Four of us set off for Tampa this morning to visit Knit and Nibble. I had heard about the yarn shop on ravelry and for weeks now I've been feeling the need to fondle some fiber. We don't have any really well stocked yarn shops near Crystal River and I've been obtaining most of my yarn by internet.
A few weeks ago a visitor to Florida reported a bad experience in a local yarn shop that shall remain anonymous. She mentioned her disappointment on ravelry and immediately ravelers began suggesting shops that would offer her a warm welcome and a large selection of yarn. Knit and Nibble was mentioned frequently. I approached some of the members of my craft group and three of them were game to make the trip. Tampa is about one and a half hours from Crystal River. We left home around 10 AM and were happily stroking yarn by 11:30. Mapquest's directions were flawless and there was a parking spot right in front of the shop. Knit and Nibble has one of the most extensive selections of Cascade 220 I have seen in an LYS. I had brought a skein of Berocco Geode that I wanted to match to some Cascade and I was not disappointed.
All four of us left the shop with purchases. We moved one block over and had a very tasty lunch at Crispers. Since Florida has finally warmed up we were able to eat on the terrace. We were back home in Crystal River by 3:30 PM. What a lovely day!
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