Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Knitting Progress

Dick took these photos in a bit of a hurry as we were on our way to the UPS store to overnight them.

I've finished three sweaters in the past two weeks. The first two were commissioned by a fellow member of FUSP and had to be complete and in her hands before Christmas. I thought I'd be able to finish the two on the cruise but they ended up taking much longer than I thought. I overnighted them to her on December 23 and the shipping tracker said they arrived on the 24th around 10 AM. It was pretty pricey but I had promised.

Today I finished Helena, a baby sweater I started back in October.  I was drawn to it because another member of my NJ knitting group was making one and it looked like a fun knit.  I got caught up in other projects and it languished for a while.  When I looked at it yesterday I realized it only needed the neckband, a button and button loop.  I worked on it as we drove down to Brooksville to catch a movie.  Note the rosebud button.  I think it's perfect for the sweater.  Today I got some photos and posted it on etsy.

I think my next project will be the Laughing Carrots sweater, also for a fellow UU member.  She bid on a sweater at the annual service auction.  It's coming along but still needs sleeves and a button band.  I don't think it will be finished in 2009 but early 2010 seems realistic.  I know the recipient has been waiting patiently.


Unknown said...

Hey, Barbara--

That pink sweater is SO sweet! What's the pattern and where did you get that beautiful button?


adoptionmsw said...

Thanks for your kind words about the Helena sweater. It's a free pattern on The button came from Joann Fabrics. I had it in my stash, along with the yarn which was in a goody bag from knitting camp, and I thought they were just right for each other. The sweater is for sale on my etsy site: