a large bird party
It's been unseasonably cold for nearly two weeks now. We've had some frost at night. Some days the temps have climbed into the 50's and then there are days like today; the high has been 39. The weather has caused many of the plants in The Islands to freeze and/or turn brown. There are beautiful poinsettias that bloom around this time of year that have suffered badly. Other tender plants have also succumbed. We've had these cold snaps in previous years but they have not lasted as long. We're told there will be a warming trend and we should have temps in the 60's by the end of this coming week. I sure hope so. Our heat pump has been working overtime to keep up.
These cold temperatures seem to have changed the behavior of some of the water birds. For the past few days we've had a large flock of seagulls flying round and round over the canal behind our unit. I can only presume a school of fish must have swum in and they are feasting.
wood storks
We have many more wood storks than we usually see and quite a few brown pelicans. Initially I thought the wood storks were white pelicans which are rather rare in these parts. When I got close enough to get some photos, I realized they were wood storks, not pelicans.
brown pelicans
And here is one of our resident great blue herons.
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