I haven't posted in months, just haven't had anything to say. November is NaBloPoMo and I've taken up the challenge to write something every day. We'll see how I fare.
In addition, I've committed to knitting an adult sweater during the month of November, which is NaKniSweMo as well. Most of my knit group has signed on to this endeavor. Since we meet on Tuesday evenings, we will be casting on tonight. My plan to to make Deco. I've already swatched (swatching was allowed ahead of the start date) and I have gauge. The yarn, Rowan Pure Wool dk, has been in my stash since November of 2008 so it's well seasoned. I purchased it when a LYS in Bernardsville sadly closed its doors. I've been holding it waiting for just the right project and Deco is the one. I'll post progress pictures regularly.
This will be my second year doing NaKniSweMo. In 2010 I made the Garter Yoke Cardigan, finishing in just over three weeks. This year's project is a bit more complex. We'll see how I do.
Meanwhile I have three baby sweaters in various stages of completion. I had hoped to finish them up before today but it just didn't happen. I guess I will work on them when knitting ADD sets in and I need a change from the main project. LOL
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