Friday, March 28, 2008

Knitting Camp

I just signed up for knitting camp. My sister and I will go to Manchester, NH in July to spend time with other knitters and take classes. I'm so excited!

I've signed up for Knifty Knitted Neckline Knowhow, Advanced Finishing and Tips, Tricks and Hints. I'm looking forward to learning more about how to finish necklines and attach sleeves. That's always been the most challenging part of knitting for me.

I hadn't realized there would be lots of preparation for camp. Every course seems to have a list of knitting samples that will need to be completed before I arrive. I'm planning to take some time off in June and early July so I should have time to get the assignments finished.

One of the nicest things about knitting camp is that I will be going with my sister. She and I don't get to spend too much alone time with each other and I think it's going to be great. And, there will be all those other knitters to socialize with. I can't think of anything more fun.

If things work out, we'll be going directly from camp to the coast of Maine where we will join our DH's for a week at the Appalachian Mountain Club's Echo Lake Camp. We've submitted our applications and are awaiting the results of the lottery.

It looks as if the summer is really starting to shape up.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Purple Brick Bib

Purple Brick Bib Finished
Originally uploaded by rallaronson
Working with mosaic stitch, I designed this bib. Here's the pattern:

Brick Bib

Two skeins of Sugar ‘n Cream Cotton Yarn
MC—Solid Color
CC—Ombre with complimentary colors

Size 8 needles

With MC cast on 35 stitches

Work in seed stitch (knit 1, purl 1) for four rows

Begin pattern maintaining 3 stitch seed stitch border on either side in MC (you will have to attach a second skein of yarn for the three stitches on the far side). Be sure to wrap the yarn each time you change colors or you will have a hole in the bib:

Row 1: With CC [knit 5, slip 1] 5 times, knit 5

Row 2: With CC [knit 5, slip 1] 5 times, knit 5

Row 3: With MC knit across

Row 4: With MC knit across

Row 5: With CC knit 2, slip 1 [knit 5, slip 1] 4 times, knit 2

Row 6: With CC knit 2, slip 1 [knit 5, slip 1] 4 times, knit 2

Row 7: As row 3

Row 8: As row 4

Repeat these 8 rows four more times.

Repeat rows 1 through 3

Work in seed stitch for four rows

Continuing in seed stitch, work 7, bind off 21, work 7.

Leave first seven stitches on the needle or transfer them to a stitch holder, continue in seed stitch on the seven stitches you just worked, until the strap measures 5 inches. Bind off.

Attach yarn and work the other seven stitches in seed stitch until the strap measures 4.5 inches. Make button hole by binding off one stitch in the center of a row. Cast on one stitch in the center of the next row. Work until strap measures 5 inches. Bind off.

Weave in ends. Sew button on strap. Block if necessary.

If you try this and you run into a problem with the directions, please leave me a message in the comments section.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Perry & Linnie
Originally uploaded by rallaronson
What can be better than grandchildren? I have six and every one is precious.

I'm out in California visiting with the newest of my grandchildren, twins, Linnea and Peregrine, born October 5, 2007. This is my second visit--it's a long way from New Jersey to northern California, but I want to be a part of their lives and this is one way to do it.

In between in-person visits, we use a web cam. Perry and Linnie don't quite understand what they are looking at, but we enjoy seeing how they are growing and developing. You should have seen the look on my mother's face when she saw the twins moving around, holding rattles, when I set up the computer and web cam at her place.

By the way, northern California is lovely this time of year. The daffodils are in bloom and the temperature is in the sixties by afternoon each day. We've been out for a walk every day.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Plethora of Baby Bibs

Originally uploaded by rallaronson
I know I haven't blogged in a while. I've been crazy busy with my child welfare training position. It's hard work and I come home pretty tired on the days I am training. It's a wonderful program and I feel quite sure it will lead to better casework with the at risk families in NJ.

I have a few projects OTN, including Babies and Bears sweaters for the twins but I've gotten really caught up in making bibs.

When I was in California in November I checked out the LYS. My daughter had been in there a few days before and received a small cloth bag for her purchases. The store policy is to give the shopper a gift each time said shopper returns with the bag in hand. Most of the gifts are more appropriate for quilters or other sewing projects, but there is a coupon for a free skein of Sugar 'n Cream yarn. I stopped in the store a number of times while I was in Arcata and acquired a few different colors. I had never used this yarn before. I researched Ravelry to see what other people were doing with it.

Wash cloths and baby bibs--I have twin grandchildren (I'm sure I've mentioned this before) and I thought they could use some bibs. I made three using ideas I found on ravelry and then branched out using the Vogue Stitionary. It's addictive! And, it's almost instant gratification because they knit up so quickly.

The bibs from left to right are box stitch, chevron, knit and purl stripes, diagonal moss stripe, bricks and Miss Thing (based on the feather and fan stitch).