Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Plethora of Baby Bibs

Originally uploaded by rallaronson
I know I haven't blogged in a while. I've been crazy busy with my child welfare training position. It's hard work and I come home pretty tired on the days I am training. It's a wonderful program and I feel quite sure it will lead to better casework with the at risk families in NJ.

I have a few projects OTN, including Babies and Bears sweaters for the twins but I've gotten really caught up in making bibs.

When I was in California in November I checked out the LYS. My daughter had been in there a few days before and received a small cloth bag for her purchases. The store policy is to give the shopper a gift each time said shopper returns with the bag in hand. Most of the gifts are more appropriate for quilters or other sewing projects, but there is a coupon for a free skein of Sugar 'n Cream yarn. I stopped in the store a number of times while I was in Arcata and acquired a few different colors. I had never used this yarn before. I researched Ravelry to see what other people were doing with it.

Wash cloths and baby bibs--I have twin grandchildren (I'm sure I've mentioned this before) and I thought they could use some bibs. I made three using ideas I found on ravelry and then branched out using the Vogue Stitionary. It's addictive! And, it's almost instant gratification because they knit up so quickly.

The bibs from left to right are box stitch, chevron, knit and purl stripes, diagonal moss stripe, bricks and Miss Thing (based on the feather and fan stitch).

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